The History of Asian American Art and Asian Diasporas.

Course Description
This seminar explores the history of Asian American art and the art of Asia diaspora. The seminar is organized both chronologically and thematically and examines paintings, photographs, prints, sculptures, performances, and installations by artists that mainly, but not exclusively emigrated from Asia to the United States from the 1850s to the present.
Through the examination of several artists and works as well as reading a broad range of scholarship, the seminar aims at exploring the major issues addressed and theoretical approaches used in the interdisciplinary “Asian American” art studies such as the politics of identity, race and ethnicity, and the notions of transnationalism, diaspora, and Tran-Pacific.

HA 706 Seminar
A concentrated study of a specific topic in art history.
May be repeated for credit if content varies.
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.