Current Graduate Students Sadie ArftPhD CandidateLate Medieval and Northern Renaissance ArtSeventeenth-Century Dutch ArtImperial Artistic Patronage, 963-1250View full profile Danielle BerkowitzMA StudentReligious Sculpture of the Global Middle AgesMateriality in Religious ArtCross-Cultural Interactions and ComparisonsView full profile Yuan-Hsi ChaoPhD StudentChinese Paintings, 18th and 19th centuriesJapanese Paintings and Prints, 17th to early 20th centuriesJapanese Cultural Heritages in TaiwanView full profile Jinhyun ChoPhD StudentEuropean Art of the Long Nineteenth CenturyNineteenth-century French ArtView full profile Aria DiaoPhD StudentChinese and Japanese artCross-Cultural StudiesView full profile Mia HaferPhD CandidateLate Medieval Manuscripts and Early Printed BooksCross-Cultural ExchangeMedieval Gender and SexualityView full profile Mary Frances IveyPhD CandidateGlobal art since 1960Art of the United States after 1900Nineteenth-century French ArtEuropean modernism She/her/hers View full profile Marley KendallMA StudentView full profile Youngin Arial KimPhD StudentModern and Contemporary Korean artArt of the Asian DiasporaView full profile Shangyi LyuMA StudentEarly Modern Chinese Material CultureInk Painting & CalligraphyGarden DesignView full profile Reyna MalloryMA StudentModern and Contemporary American and European ArtArt of the World War I EraPhotography after 1900Contemporary Public and Participatory art View full profile Daisuke MurataPhD CandidateModern and Contemporary Japanese Visual Arts, 19th–21st CenturiesIssues in Classical Gardens of China and Japan, 15th–19th CenturiesKorean and Japanese Ceramics, 5th Century–1945Modern and Contemporary Korean ArtView full profile Carolyn NordengrenPhD CandidateLate Medieval, Northern Renaissance ArtUrbanism and the Built Environment in Italy, 1200-1500Rembrandt, Vermeer, and Seventeenth-Century Dutch Genre ScenesView full profile Nathan OsbornMA StudentAmerican ArtCaribbean ArtContemporary ArtView full profile Vidhita RainaPhD CandidateCross-cultural Interactions in Japanese Art, 16th-19th CenturiesMaterial Culture of the Ming Dynasty, 14th-17th CenturiesHistory of Asian American/Asian Diaspora ArtView full profile Yayoi ShinodaPhD CandidateVisual culture from medieval to early modern JapanNarrative paintings and genre paintings from medieval to early modern JapanPerceptions, display methods, and history of collecting Japanese art in the U.S.View full profile Emma SmithMA StudentView full profile Ziying SongMA StudentPre-Modern Chinese ArtView full profile Eli TroenMA StudentMetatheory and Japanese ModernismJapanese Tea Ceremony, Ceramics, and ArchitectureGender, Sexuality, and PerformanceJapanese Art in the WestView full profile Michael VanHartingsveldtPhD CandidateJapanese Buddhist Sculpture: Eighth through Fourteenth CenturiesPatronage of Religious Sites in Pre-Tenth Century East AsiaManga: Histories, Theories, and Aesthetics He/him/his View full profile Maggie VaughnPhD CandidateGlobal Art since 1960European ModernismModern and Contemporary Japanese Art She/her/hers View full profile Logan WardPhD CandidateArt and visual culture in/from Korea, 20th century to the presentUS American art museum historyPostcolonial and queer theory He/they View full profile Katherine WhitePhD CandidateNineteenth-century French artEighteenth- and Nineteenth-century European and American ArtModern Japanese ArtView full profile Morgan WilliamsonPhD StudentJapanese Painting and Prints of the Edo PeriodJapanese Narrative art and PrintPerceptions of Gender and the role(s) of women in the Japanese art worldView full profile Kristy YooMA StudentMaterial culture in pre-modern KoreaTextiles of pre-modern KoreaKorean diasporaView full profile Hae Jeong YoonPhD CandidateArtistic interactions within the East Asian cultural sphere in the premodern eraArt production and royal patronage during the Chosŏn dynasty (1392–1910) through the early 20th CenturyNorth Korea’s art exports to Africa and Southeast Asia from the 1970sView full profile Jeongwon YoonPhD CandidateModern and Contemporary Japanese ArtModern and Contemporary Korean ArtPainting and Print in Edo-Period JapanView full profile Ying ZhuPhD CandidateChinese PaintingsView full profile
Sadie ArftPhD CandidateLate Medieval and Northern Renaissance ArtSeventeenth-Century Dutch ArtImperial Artistic Patronage, 963-1250View full profile
Danielle BerkowitzMA StudentReligious Sculpture of the Global Middle AgesMateriality in Religious ArtCross-Cultural Interactions and ComparisonsView full profile
Yuan-Hsi ChaoPhD StudentChinese Paintings, 18th and 19th centuriesJapanese Paintings and Prints, 17th to early 20th centuriesJapanese Cultural Heritages in TaiwanView full profile
Jinhyun ChoPhD StudentEuropean Art of the Long Nineteenth CenturyNineteenth-century French ArtView full profile
Mia HaferPhD CandidateLate Medieval Manuscripts and Early Printed BooksCross-Cultural ExchangeMedieval Gender and SexualityView full profile
Mary Frances IveyPhD CandidateGlobal art since 1960Art of the United States after 1900Nineteenth-century French ArtEuropean modernism She/her/hers View full profile
Youngin Arial KimPhD StudentModern and Contemporary Korean artArt of the Asian DiasporaView full profile
Shangyi LyuMA StudentEarly Modern Chinese Material CultureInk Painting & CalligraphyGarden DesignView full profile
Reyna MalloryMA StudentModern and Contemporary American and European ArtArt of the World War I EraPhotography after 1900Contemporary Public and Participatory art View full profile
Daisuke MurataPhD CandidateModern and Contemporary Japanese Visual Arts, 19th–21st CenturiesIssues in Classical Gardens of China and Japan, 15th–19th CenturiesKorean and Japanese Ceramics, 5th Century–1945Modern and Contemporary Korean ArtView full profile
Carolyn NordengrenPhD CandidateLate Medieval, Northern Renaissance ArtUrbanism and the Built Environment in Italy, 1200-1500Rembrandt, Vermeer, and Seventeenth-Century Dutch Genre ScenesView full profile
Vidhita RainaPhD CandidateCross-cultural Interactions in Japanese Art, 16th-19th CenturiesMaterial Culture of the Ming Dynasty, 14th-17th CenturiesHistory of Asian American/Asian Diaspora ArtView full profile
Yayoi ShinodaPhD CandidateVisual culture from medieval to early modern JapanNarrative paintings and genre paintings from medieval to early modern JapanPerceptions, display methods, and history of collecting Japanese art in the U.S.View full profile
Eli TroenMA StudentMetatheory and Japanese ModernismJapanese Tea Ceremony, Ceramics, and ArchitectureGender, Sexuality, and PerformanceJapanese Art in the WestView full profile
Michael VanHartingsveldtPhD CandidateJapanese Buddhist Sculpture: Eighth through Fourteenth CenturiesPatronage of Religious Sites in Pre-Tenth Century East AsiaManga: Histories, Theories, and Aesthetics He/him/his View full profile
Maggie VaughnPhD CandidateGlobal Art since 1960European ModernismModern and Contemporary Japanese Art She/her/hers View full profile
Logan WardPhD CandidateArt and visual culture in/from Korea, 20th century to the presentUS American art museum historyPostcolonial and queer theory He/they View full profile
Katherine WhitePhD CandidateNineteenth-century French artEighteenth- and Nineteenth-century European and American ArtModern Japanese ArtView full profile
Morgan WilliamsonPhD StudentJapanese Painting and Prints of the Edo PeriodJapanese Narrative art and PrintPerceptions of Gender and the role(s) of women in the Japanese art worldView full profile
Kristy YooMA StudentMaterial culture in pre-modern KoreaTextiles of pre-modern KoreaKorean diasporaView full profile
Hae Jeong YoonPhD CandidateArtistic interactions within the East Asian cultural sphere in the premodern eraArt production and royal patronage during the Chosŏn dynasty (1392–1910) through the early 20th CenturyNorth Korea’s art exports to Africa and Southeast Asia from the 1970sView full profile
Jeongwon YoonPhD CandidateModern and Contemporary Japanese ArtModern and Contemporary Korean ArtPainting and Print in Edo-Period JapanView full profile