Overview of Graduate Degrees

The MA in Art History provides students with a broad and deep knowledge of the visual arts, as well as study of the basic concepts, theories, and methods of the discipline. The MA may be pursued as a terminal degree or as preparation for subsequent doctoral studies.
The MA requires 30 hours of graduate credit (10 courses), at least 21 of which must be taken in Art History and according to the department's established distribution requirements in either European and American/Global Modern and Contemporary Art or East Asian Art.
Graduate students in Art History are expected to have a reading knowledge of one appropriate foreign language.
The final component of the MA is a general written examination in either European and American Art/Global Modern and Contemporary Art or East Asian Art.
For more detailed information, see the MA section of the Graduate Student Handbook.
Only current KU undergraduate students are eligible to apply to the Accelerated MA program. If you are not a current undergraduate student at KU, please review the MA, MA/PhD, and PhD program webpages.
The Accelerated MA program enables qualified KU students to earn BA/BGS and MA degrees in Art History in 5 years. 12 hours of 500-level-or-above coursework in the major completed in Year 4 of study count towards both the BA/BGS and MA degrees. The MA degree is completed in Year 5 with 18 additional hours of coursework.
The program has two tracks, one leading to an MA in European and American Art/Global Modern and Contemporary Art and one leading to an MA in East Asian Art.
The MA may be pursued as a terminal degree or as preparation for subsequent doctoral studies.
Careful course selection (e.g. prioritizing 500-level courses taught by faculty members in Art History by the second semester of the sophomore year) and steady progression through the undergraduate career is necessary to ensure all requirements for both the BA/BGS and MA degrees may be completed within 5 years. All prospective students should discuss their interest in applying to the Accelerated MA program with both the Undergraduate Advisor and DGS no later than the first semester of the student's Junior year. Prospective students must apply to the Accelerated MA program by May 1st of their Junior year.
For more detailed information, see the Accelerated MA section of the Graduate Student Handbook.
The Combined MA/PhD is a streamlined degree track intended for students who want to pursue the PhD in Art History at KU, but who do not yet hold the MA degree in Art History.
The MA requires 30 hours of graduate credit (10 courses), at least 21 of which must be taken in art history and according to the department's established distribution requirements in either European and American/Global Modern and Contemporary Art or East Asian Art.
Graduate students in Art History are expected to have a reading knowledge of one appropriate foreign language.
The final component of the MA is a general written examination in either European and American Art/Global Modern and Contemporary Art or East Asian Art.
PhD students develop a program of study normally composed of eighteen to twenty-one post-MA credit hours focusing on one major and two minor areas of study. Students are also required to demonstrate knowledge of at least one foreign language sufficient to meet the demands of their research prior to taking the comprehensive examination.
Upon completion of their coursework, students take PhD comprehensive examinations that cover their one major and two minor areas of study. Following these exams, students prepare a dissertation proposal and begin work on the dissertation.
For more detailed information, see the MA/PhD section of the Graduate Student Handbook.
The PhD is intended for students who hold the MA degree in Art History.
PhD students develop a program of study normally composed of eighteen to twenty-one post-MA credit hours focusing on one major and two minor areas of study. Students are also required to demonstrate knowledge of at least one foreign language sufficient to meet the demands of their research prior to taking the comprehensive examination.
Upon completion of their coursework, students take PhD comprehensive examinations that cover their one major and two minor areas of study. Following these exams, students prepare a dissertation proposal and begin work on the dissertation.
For more detailed information, see the PhD section of the Graduate Student Handbook.
The Kress Foundation Department of Art History accepts applications for graduate non-degree-seeking student status. This option works best for those who are interested in taking graduate-level Art History courses without the commitment of having to complete an MA or PhD.
Non-degree-seeking applications are accepted on a rolling basis, and applicants are welcome to apply for fall or spring entry. Graduate-level courses are rarely offered during the summer term.