Anne D. Hedeman

- Judith Harris Murphy Distinguished Professor Emerita
- Late Medieval and Northern Renaissance Art, History of the Book
Contact Info
Education —
Research —
Professor Anne D. Hedeman teaches courses in Gothic and Northern Renaissance Art History and the history of illustrations in medieval manuscripts and early printed books. Her research examines the relationships between text and image in vernacular late medieval French manuscripts. She studies how pictures in illuminated manuscripts of historical texts, classical texts, or contemporary texts originating in non-French cultures translate them in order to communicate effectively with late medieval French readers. Her recent book, Visual Translation and the First French Humanists, analyzes this dynamic in works owned or made by three early fifteenth century French humanists.
Teaching —
Ph.D. Dissertations Directed
University of Kansas
Sadie Arft, “The Leopard Hunt and the Production of Game Park Tapestries in Sixteenth-Century Enghien, Brussels, and Oudenaarde,” in process.
Sarah Dyer, “The Turquant-Gilles Inventory: Reconstructing an Estate and Familial Status in Paris, c. 1500,” in process
Heather Tennison, “Tradition, Innovation, and Agency in a City of God: The Philadelphia Cité de Dieu and Early Fifteenth-Century Parisian Manuscript Culture,” 2021.
Chassica Kirchhoff, “The Thun-Hohenstein Album: Constructing the Armored Body in the Holy Roman Empire,” 2018.
University of Illinois
Erin Donovan, “Imagined Crusaders: The Livre d’Eracles in Fifteenth-Century Burgundian Collections,” 2013
Megan Foster Campbell, “Pilgrimage Through the Pages: Pilgrim’s Badges in Late Medieval Devotional Manuscripts,” 2011.
Laura Whatley, “Localizing the Holy Land: the Visual Culture of Crusade in England, ca. 1140–1400,” 2010.
Carlee Bradbury, “Imaging and Imagining the Jew in Medieval England,” 2007.
Charlotte Bauer, “Visual constructions of corporate identity and exempla for the University of Paris, 1200-1500” 2007.
Paula Shoppe, “Reading Romances: The Production and Reception of French Gothic Ivories in the Context of Late Medieval Literary Practices” 2000.
Selected Publications —
Books, edited volumes, and edited special journal issues
Visual Translation and the First French Humanists, South Bend: University of Notre Dame Press, 2022.
Inscribing Knowledge in the Medieval Book: The Power of Paratexts, co-edited with Rosalind Brown-Grant, Patrizia Carmazzi, Gisela Drossbach, Victoria Turner, and Iolanda Ventura. Berlin: DeGruyter, 2020.
Beyond Words: Illuminated Manuscripts in Boston Collections, ed. by Jeffrey F. Hamburger, William P. Stoneman, Anne-Marie Eze, Lisa Fagin Davis, and Nancy Netzer. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2016.
Essay, “Secular Pleasures: Edification and Entertainment,” p. 195; Catalogue Entries: Cat. 76, leaf from a book of hours, pp. 81-82; Cat. 180, Évrart de Trémaugon, Somnium Viridarii, p. 199; Cat. 181, Alain Chartier, Le quadrilogue invective, Dialogus familiaris, amici et sodalis, and Le livre de l’Espérance, pp. 199-200; Cat. 187, Laurent de Premierfait, trans., Les cents nouvelles, pp. 204-205; Cat. 188: Pierre Bersuire, trans., Histoires Romaines, pp. 205-206; Cat. 189: Pierre Bersuire, trans., Histoires Romaines, pp. 206-207.
Textual and Visual Representations of Power and Justice in Medieval France, co-edited with Rosalind Brown-Grant and Bernard Ribémont. London: Ashgate, 2015.
"Rereading Boccaccio in Etienne Chevalier’s Decameron (Houghton Library MS Richardson 31),” in Beyond Words: Illuminated Manuscripts in Boston Collections. Proceedings of the International Conference, Nov. 3–5, 2016, eds. Lisa Fagin David, Anne-Marie Eze, Jeffrey F. Hamburger, Nancy Netzer and William Stoneman (Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, forthcoming 2020).
“Translating prologues and prologue illustration in French historical texts,” in Rosalind Brown-Grant, Patrizia Carmazzi, Gisela Drossbach, Anne D. Hedeman,Victoria Turner, and Iolanda Ventura Inscribing Knowledge in the Medieval Book: The Power of Paratexts. Berlin: DeGuyter, 2020, pp. 197-223.
“Gothic Manuscript Illustration: The Case of France,” in Conrad Rudolph. ed, A Companion to Medieval Art: Romanesque and Gothic in Northern Europe. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2019, pp. 547-68. Updated essay from first edition, 2006.
“L'imagerie politique dans les manuscrits supervisés par Laurent de Premierfait,” in Carla Bozzolo, Claude Gauvard, and Hélène Millet, eds., Humanisme et politique à la fin du Moyen Âge. Paris : Publications de la Sorbonne, 2018, pp. 191-207.
“Le pouvoir des images saintes dans les Grandes chroniques de France: le cas de Saint Louis,” in Franck Collard, Fréderique Lachaud, and Lydwine Scordia eds., Images, pouvoirs et norms. Exégèse visuelle de la fin de Moyen Age (XIIIe-XVe siècles. Paris: Garnier, 2018, pp. 237–65.
“Visualizing History in Medieval France,” Perspectives in Histoire de l’art 80 (2017), pp. 25–36.
“Translating Power for the Princes of the Blood: Laurent de Premierfait’s Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes” in R. Brown-Grant, B. Ribémont, and A. Hedeman eds., Textual and Visual Representations of Power and Justice in Medieval France. London: Ashgate, 2015, pp. 15-41.
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
Research Network "The Joust as Performance: Pas d'armes and Late Medieval Chivalry." Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK), October 2020-September 2022. One of 13 members working with co-PIs Rosalind Brown-Grant and Mario Damen to plan workshops, a published volume of essays, and a database.
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), “Gothic Manuscripts, 1320-1380,” January – December, 2021
INHA (Institut national de l’histoire de l’art), Paris, Programme des Chercheurs invités, 15 September-15 November 2018
The Research Consortium Power and the Paratext in Medieval Manuscript Culture funded by by LE STUDIUM. Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies, Orléans, 2014-2017. One of five members of the Consortium.
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship, 2011-12
National Science Foundation, Digging Into Data (DID) Challenge, “Digging into Image Data to Answer Authorship Related Questions,” Co-PI (with Kevin Franklin, I-CHASS) of University of Illinois Component lead by Peter Bajscy, NCSA, January-December 2010
National Science Foundation, “Toward Enhanced Understanding of Virtual Manuscripts,” Co-PI (with Peter Bajcsy, NCSA and Kevin Franklin, I-CHASS), January-December 2010
National Science Foundation, “Imaging and Image Analysis Applied to Historical Objects,” Co-PI (with Peter Bajcsy, NCSA), 2009-2010