Linda Stone-Ferrier

- Professor, 17th-Century Dutch and Flemish Art
Contact Info
Biography —
Linda Stone-Ferrier specializes in seventeenth-century Dutch and Flemish art. Her research interests include scenes of daily life, landscapes, and the art of Rembrandt. Her most recent book, The Little Street: The Neighborhood in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Art and Culture (Yale University Press, 2022), examines how seemingly diverse pictures share the neighborhood as a meaningful context for interpretive analysis.Numerous Dutch paintings of an array of themes—scenes of streets, domesticity, professions, and festivity--conveyed and reinforced neighborhood values that sought to uphold communal honor, camaraderie, and unity. She has also published state-of-the-research essays on the interpretive strategies employed in the study of seventeenth-century Dutch scenes of daily life, as well as an assessment of the issues and controversies raised by the Rembrandt Research Project’s goals and conclusions. Additional publications have examined paintings by Gabriel Metsu and other artists of daily life, as well as landscapes paintings by Jacob van Ruisdael and landscape etchings by Rembrandt.
Education —
Teaching —
Lecture Classes
Introduction to Western Art History II: Renaissance through Modern Art
Visualizing War and Peace in Western Art Rembrandt
Art in the Age of Rubens, Rembrandt and Vermeer: Northern Baroque
Graduate Seminars
Vermeer & Contemporaries
Seventeenth-Century Dutch Genre Imagery
Seventeenth-Century Dutch Landscapes & Cityscapes
Haarlem's Golden Age
Seventeenth-Century Dutch & Flemish Portraiture
The Dutch Home
Women in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Art and Culture
The Dutch Neighborhood
PhD Dissertation Committees Chaired (University of Kansas):
Reilly Shwab, PhD, “Goede Nacht: Depictions of the Night in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Visual Culture,” Status: completed, 2019
Tyler York, PhD,” Dressing the Part/Parting with the Dress: Rembrandt’s Refashioning of Middle Eastern Attire,” Status: completed, 2019
Megan Blocksom, PhD, "Images of Processions in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Visual Culture" Status: completed. 2017 with Honors
Denise Giannino, PhD, "Familial Identity and Site Specificity: A Study of the Hybrid Genre of Dutch Family Landscape Portraiture" Status: completed. 2017
Ellen O’Neil Rife, PhD, "The Exotic Gift and the Art of the Seventeenth-Century Dutch Republic" Status: completed. 2013 with Honors
Elissa Anderson, PhD, "Re-forming Mary in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Prints" Status: completed. 2009
Roberta Pokphanh, PhD, "The Proceeds of Prosperity: Seventeenth-Century Dutch Images of Money Management and Exchange" Status: completed. 2009
Michelle Moseley Christian, PhD, "Seventeenth-Century Dutch Portraits in Scenes of Every Day Life" Status: completed. 2007 with Honors & recipient of the 2008 Dorothy Haglund Outstanding Dissertation Award
Sarah Crawford-Parker, PhD, "Refashioning Female Identity: Women's Roles in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Historiated Portraits" Status: completed. 2006
Mary Alice Spellman, PhD, "Rembrandt's Humor: Scatology, Satire, Burlesque, and Irony in Six Etchings" Status: completed. 2006 with Honors
Jan Kennedy, PhD, "Images of the Soldier in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Art" Status: completed. 2002
Diane Cearfoss Mankin, PhD, "Dutch Seventeenth-Century Images of Classicizing Palaces and Villas inside the Netherlands" Status: completed. 1996
Steven Golan, PhD, "Scenes from Republican Roman History in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Art" Status: completed. 1994
Gretchen Atwater, PhD, "The Impact of Trade by the Dutch East India Company on Seventeenth-Century Netherlandish Art" Status: completed. 1992
Shana Stuart, PhD, "The Portuguese Jewish Community in Seventeenth-Century Amsterdam: Images of Commemoration and Documentation" Status: completed. 1992
Valerie Lind Hedquist, PhD, "The Passion of Christ in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Painting" Status: completed. 1990
Janey Levy, PhD, "The Last Judgment in Early Netherlandish Painting: Faith, Authority, and Charity in the Fifteenth Century" Status: completed. 1987 with Honors & recipient of
Dorothy Haglund Prize for Most Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation 1988
Mindy Taggard, PhD, "The Narrative Biblical Series in Seventeenth-Century Spanish Painting: Murillo's Life of Jacob and the Prodigal Son" Status: completed. 1984
Selected Publications —
Books/Exhibition Catalogue (refereed)
The Little Street: The Neighborhood in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Art and Culture, Yale University Press, 2022
Images of Textiles: The Weave of Seventeenth-Century Dutch Art and Society, UMI Research Press Art Patronage Series, Ann Arbor, MI, 1985
Dutch Prints of Daily Life: Mirrors of Life or Masks of Morals?, scholarly exhibition catalogue, Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas, 1983
Articles and Book Chapters (refereed)
“The Triumph of the Visual: The Observable Western World,” in the Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Visual Culture 3 vols. (vol. 1: Histories, Theories, Globalities), ed. Jane Kromm, Michael Gardiner & Julian Halyadyn, & Heike Raphael-Hernandez (London: Bloomsbury Publishing, PLC) (in progress)
“Drawing on the Neighborhood in Rembrandt’s Inscription on a Drawing,” De Kroniek, journal published by the Museum het Rembrandthuis, Amsterdam (forthcoming)
"Glimpses, Glances and Gossip: Seventeenth-Century Dutch Paintings of Domestic Interiors on Their Neighbourhood’s Doorstep,” RACAR: revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review (Universities Art Association of Canada), Special Issue: Approaching Home. New Perspectives on the Domestic Interior 45, no. 2 (Fall 2020): 25–46. Link to article on (pdf)
"An Assessment of Recent Scholarship on Seventeenth-Century Dutch Genre Imagery," in The Ashgate Research Companion to Dutch Art of the Seventeenth Century, ed. Wayne E. Franits, (London and New York: Routledge, 2016), 173–203.
"The Engagement of Carel Fabritius' The Goldfinch, 1654, with the Dutch Window, a Significant Site of Neighborhood Social Exchange," Journal of Historians of Netherlandish Art. vol. 8, nr. 1 (Winter 2016): 1–32. Link to article:
"Jacobus Vrel's Dutch Neighborhood Scenes," in Midwest Arcadia, Essays in Honor of Dr. Alison McNeil Kettering, ed. Dawn Odell and Kathleen Ryor (Northfield, MN: Carlton College, 2014), 69–79.
“Gabriel Metsu’s Street Vendors: Shopping for Values in the Dutch Neighbourhood,” in Gabriel Metsu, exh. cat., edited by Adriaan Waiboer (London: Yale University Press, 2010), 72–95.
“Rembrandt Research Project: Issues and Controversies Raised by a Canonical Oeuvre,” in Partisan Canons, edited by Anna Bryzski (Duke University Press, 2007), 225–44.
“From Shrew to Poetess: Two Non-traditional Female Roles at Opposite Ends of the Social Spectrum Evoked by a Curious Seventeenth-Century Dutch Genre Painting by Gabriel Metsu,” in Saints, Sinners, and Sisters. Women and the Pictorial Arts of Northern Europe in Medieval and Early Modern Culture, edited by Alison G. Stewart and Jane L. Carroll (England: Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 2003), 223–45.
“Metsu’s Justice Protecting Widows and Orphans: Patron and Painter Relationships and Their Involvement in the Social and Economic Plight of Widows and Orphans in Leiden,” in The Public and Private in Dutch Culture of the Golden Age, edited by Arthur K. Wheelock Jr. and Adele Seeff (Newark & London: The University of Delaware Press & Associated University Presses, 2000), 227–65.
Review of Mirror of Everyday Life: Genreprints in the Netherlands 1550–1700, exh. cat., 399 pp. Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum; in: Simiolus, Netherlands Quarterly for the History of Art 25 (4): 352–58, 1997 (appeared in 1998).
“Inclusions and Exclusions: The Selectivity of Adriaen van Ostade's Etchings,” in Adriaen van Ostade: Etchings of Peasant Life in Holland's Golden Age, exh. cat., edited by Patricia Phagan (Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia, 1994), 21–29.
“’East, West, ‘t Huys Best,’ Adriaen van Ostade's The Family,” in The Age of Dürer, Bruegel, and Rembrandt: Master Prints from Albion College, exh. cat. (Dearborn, MI: University of MI–Dearborn, 1994), 66–71.
“Rembrandt’s Landscape Etchings: Defying Modernity's Encroachment.” Art History 15, no. 4 (December 1992): 403–33.
“Gabriel Metsu’s Vegetable Market at Amsterdam and Its Relationship to a Bredero Farce.” Artibus et Historiae25 (XIII (1992): 163–80 (published in 1993).
“Market Scenes as Viewed by an Art Historian,” in Art in History/History in Art: Studies in 17th-Century Dutch Culture, edited by David Freedberg and Jan de Vries. Issues and Debates Series (The Getty Center for the History of Art & the Humanities; Distributed by the University of Chicago Press, vol. 1, 1991), 28–57.
“Gabriel Metsu’s Vegetable Market at Amsterdam: Dutch 17th-Century Horticulture and Market Paintings,” The Art Bulletin LXXI, no. 3 (September 1989): 428–52.
“Spun Virtue, the Lacework of Folly, and the World Wound Upside-Down: Seventeenth-Century Dutch Depictions of Female Handwork,” in Cloth and Human Experience, edited by A. Weiner and J. Schneider (Smithsonian Series in Ethnographic Inquiry. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1989), 215–42.
“Seventeenth-Century Dutch Images of Labor,” in People at Work: 17th-Century Dutch Art (NY: Hofstra University, 1988), 13–19.
“Views of Haarlem: A Reconsideration of Ruisdael and Rembrandt,” The Art Bulletin LXVII, no. 3 (September 1985): 417–36.
Book Reviews (invited)
Review of the book Fashion and Fancy. Dress and Meaning in Rembrandt's Paintings, by Marieke de Winkel, 398 pp. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2006. Seventeenth-Century News (Milton Society of America) (October 2008).
Review of the book Young Rembrandt: The Leiden Years 1606–1632, by Roelof Straten, 369 pp. Leiden, the Netherlands: Foleor Publishers, 2005. Renaissance Quarterly (Renaissance Society of America; the Graduate School and University Center; The City University of New York) (Summer, 2007): 599–601.
Review of the book Seventeenth-Century Dutch Genre Painting, by Wayne Franits, Yale University Press, 2004. reviews (2004).
Review of the book Gerrit Dou 1613–1675: Master Painter in the Age of Rembrandt, by Ronni Baer with contributions by Arthur J. Wheelock, Jr. and Annetje Boersma, edited by Arthur J. Wheelock, Jr., exhibition catalogue, Washington: National Gallery of Art and New Haven: Yale University Press. Seventeenth-Century News (Milton Society of America) 60 (3-4) (2002): 319–24.
Review of the book Jacob Duck and the Gentrification of Dutch Genre Painting, by Nanette Salomon, 192 pp. The Netherlands: Davaco; Ars Picturae, No. 4 (1998). Historians of Netherlandish Art Newsletter 16, no. 1, supplement (April 1998): 34.
Review of the book Artifice and Illusion: The Art and Writing of Samuel van Hoogstraten, by Celeste Brusati, xxvii + 428 pp. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995. Seventeenth-Century News (Milton Society of America) 45 (3-4) (1997): 70–71.
Review of the book Delights for the Senses, Dutch and Flemish Still-Life Paintings from Budapest, by Istvan Barkoczi, exh. cat. Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest; Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum, Wausau, WI, 1989. The Sixteenth-Century Journal XXII (4) (1991): 844–45.
Review of the book The Age of Rembrandt, Studies in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Painting, Papers in Art History from The Pennsylvania State University, edited by R. Fleischer and S. Munschower, vol. III, 1988. The Sixteenth-Century Journal XXII (4) (1991): 843–44.
Book Introduction (invited)
Introduction to An Introduction to Rembrandt, Kenneth Clark. 3–6. Norwalk, CT: The Easton Press, 1992. Reissued, originally published by Harper & Row, Publishers, 1978.
Encyclopedia Entries (invited)
Entries on 17th-century Dutch market and textile imagery, in Dutch Art: An Encyclopedia, edited by Sheila D. Muller, vol. 1021 (Garland Publishing, Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, 1997), 181, 379–80.
Selected Presentations —
Universiteit Utrecht, the Netherlands; Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam; University of Maryland, College Park, MD; National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC; Hofstra University, NY; J. Paul Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities, CA; Arizona State University; Wenner Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research Conference, Troutbeck, NY; Memphis State University; College Art Association Annual Meetings, San Francisco; Wayne State University, Detroit, MI; Wichita State University, KS; Taft Museum, Cincinnati; University of Iowa; University of Michigan–Ann Arbor; University of Michigan–Dearborn; University of Texas, Austin; Austin Peay State University, TN; Brigham Young University; Tulsa University; University of Utah; Cincinnati Art Museum; Midwest Art History Conference, Minneapolis, MN; Carleton College, Northfield, MN; The Albrecht-Kemper Museum of Art, Saint Joseph, MO
Seminar participation (invited)
Seminar on Jan Steen, National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, 1996
Seminar on Vermeer, National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, 1995
Seminar on Rembrandt's landscape prints and drawings, National Gallery of Art, Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, Washington, DC, 1989
Seminar on 17th-Century Dutch genre painting, National Gallery of Art, Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, Washington, DC, 1985
Exhibitions —
Dutch Prints of Daily Life: Masks of Morals or Mirrors of Life? Spencer Museum of Art, The University of Kansas; Yale University Art Museum, Yale University; The Huntington Museum of Art, The University of Texas, Austin. Traveling loan exhibition: 63 prints and 4 emblem books from 17 major American museums, 1983–84
Awards & Honors —
CLAS Dean's Award for Exceptional Student Mentoring, 2018
Emily Taylor Women's Resource Center Woman Educator of the Year, University of Kansas, 2006
John C. Wright Graduate Mentor Award, University of Kansas, 2004
Hall Center for the Humanities Lecture Series, University of Kansas, 2004
W. T. Kemper Fellowship for (Graduate) Teaching Excellence, University-wide Award, 1998
Byron Alexander Graduate Mentor Award, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 1994
James C. Seaver Lecture on Continuing Issues in Western Civilization, Humanities & Western Civilization Program, 1991
H. Bernerd Fink, Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award, 1985
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
CLAS Research Excellence Initiative funding, University of Kansas, 2018–21
University of Kansas General Research Fund Grants: 1994–95; 1993–94; 1991–92; 1989–90;1988–89; 1987–88; 1985–86; 1984–85; 1983–84; 1982–83; 1981–82
University of Kansas Hall Center for the Humanities Research Fellowship, 1992
National Endowment for the Arts Grant: “Dutch Prints of Daily Life.” For traveling loan exhibition and scholarly catalogue, 1983–84
Kansas University Endowment Association Grant: “Dutch Prints of Daily Life.” For traveling loan exhibition and scholarly catalogue, 1983
Service —
History of Art Department Chair, University of Kansas, 1995-–2015
Member, International Board, Historians of Netherlandish Art, 2000–04
Chair, Historians of Netherlandish Art Committee for New Board Members' Nominations and Elections, 2003
Chair, College Art Association Distinguished Teaching of Art History Award Committee, 1994–95
Member, College Art Association Distinguished Teaching of Art History Award Committee, 1992–94