KU’s Kress Foundation Department of Art History congratulates Anne D. Hedeman, Judith Harris Murphy Distinguished Professor Emerita of Art History, on her retirement.
To express our gratitude to Anne D. for her tremendous contributions to our program and to her students, and to celebrate her remarkable career, our department will host an in-person symposium in her honor.
Translating the Past: A Gathering of Students and Colleagues of Anne D. Hedeman
Keynote Lecture
Friday, October 13, 2023, 5:15 p.m. – 6:15 p.m.
Spencer Museum of Art 211
Enter through the west doors of the SMA; free parking is available in Lot 91 behind the SMA after 5 p.m.
“An Armchair Traveler Tours the Globe: The Book of Marvels of the World”
Elizabeth Morrison, Senior Curator of Manuscripts, J. Paul Getty Museum
Saturday, October 14, 2023, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Spencer Museum of Art 211
Enter through the west doors of the SMA; free parking is available in Lot 91 behind the SMA all day.
8:30-9:00 Coffee and Refreshments
9:00-9:10 Welcome and Introductions
David Cateforis, Professor and Chair, Kress Foundation Department of Art History, University of Kansas
9:10-10:20 Session I: Manuscripts and Authority
Presiding: Areli Marina, Associate Professor of Art History, University of Kansas
“Seals and Historical Authority in the Margins of Matthew Paris’s Chronicles”
Laura Whatley, Professor of Art History, Savannah College of Art and Design
“In Pursuit of Power and Princely Virtues: Preliminary Thoughts on the Interaction of Stag and Boar Images, Moral Guidance, and Burgundian Hunting Culture in the Illuminated Manuscripts of Modus et Ratio Owned by the Valois Dukes of Burgundy”
Julie Thompson Borger, PhD Candidate, Kress Foundation Department of Art History, University of Kansas
“Models of Good Behavior”
Charlotte Bauer, Assistant Dean for Communications and Strategic Planning, Graduate College, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
10:20-10:35 Break (Coffee and Refreshments)
10:35-11:45 Session II: Manuscripts and Their Makers
“Out of Many, One: Towards an Understanding of the Philadelphia Museum of Art’s Cité de Dieu in Reference to John of Berry and the Politics of the Early Fifteenth-Century French Royal Court”
Heather Tennison, Independent Scholar
“A Day in the Life: The Lost Ledger of a Parisian libraire Clerk”
Sarah Dyer, PhD Candidate, Kress Foundation Department of Art History, University of Kansas
“Mapping Ducal Devotions: Pilgrim Badges in the Prayer Books of Philip the Good of Burgundy”
Megan Foster-Campbell, Professor of Art History, Illinois Central College
11:45-12:00 Questions and Discussion
Moderator: Areli Marina
12:00-1:00 Lunch (provided for all registered symposium attendees): Jayhawk Room, 5th floor of the Kansas Memorial Union. (The Union is across Mississippi St. from the Spencer Museum of Art.)
1:00-1:30 Museum Visiting (Don’t miss the 15th- and 16th-century prints on view in the Brosseau Center for Learning.)
1:40-3:10 Session III: Armor, Prints, and Tapestry in the Sixteenth Century
Presiding: Bruce Hayes, Professor of French and Chair, Department of French, Francophone, and Italian Studies, University of Kansas
“Embodying the Edges of Empire: Armors in the Hungarian Style for Habsburg and Ottoman Courts”
Chassica Kirchhoff, Assistant Curator of European Sculpture & Decorative Arts, Department of European Art, Detroit Institute of Arts
“Visual Voyages and Questions of Viewership in the Work of Pieter Coecke van Aelst”
Mia Hafer, PhD Candidate, Kress Foundation Department of Art History, University of Kansas
“Representing Communal Identity in the View of the City of Cologne”
Cara Nordengren, PhD Candidate, Kress Foundation Department of Art History, University of Kansas
“Resilience and Innovation in Flemish Tapestry Production during the Eighty Years' War”
Sadie Arft, PhD Candidate, Kress Foundation Department of Art History, University of Kansas and Curatorial Assistant, Indianapolis Museum of Art
3:10-3:25 Break (Coffee and Refreshments)
3:25-4:35 Session IV: Modern/Contemporary Art and Collection History
“Reclaiming the Holy Land: Visual Narrative in the Livre d’Eracles, Geneva, Bibliothèque de Geneve, Ms. fr. 85”
Erin Donovan, Independent Art Consultant, Donovan Art Consulting
“Commemorating Family and Royal Ties: The Patronage of the Ordo ad consecrandum at the University of Illinois"
Paula Carns, Associate Professor, Program in Medieval Studies, and Head of the Literatures and Languages Library, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
“Seeing Spinners, Past and Present, in the Photography of William Barnhill”
Carlee Bradbury, Professor of Art History, Radford University
4:35-4:50 Questions and Discussion
Moderator: Bruce Hayes
4:50-5:00 Concluding Remarks
David Cateforis and Anne D. Hedeman
Anne D, John, and Jackie Hedeman have generously established the Anne D. Hedeman Graduate Student Support Fund in recognition of Anne D’s “wonderful tenure” at KU and as a flexible source of financial support for art history graduate students. The Hedemans hope that the endowed fund will continue to grow with their contributions and the help of others. Colleagues, students, and friends of Anne D are invited to contribute through the Kansas University Endowment Association (KUEA) website using this designated link: www.kuendowment.org/hedeman. Or you can visit the Kansas University Endowment Association (KUEA) website! Click on the “Give” button in the upper right corner; under “Choose area,” select “Other” and type “Hedeman Graduate Student Support (12998)” in the “Other purpose” box. Thank you!